Panther Martin Trophy Fish

Chad Federman
Chad Federman's Brown Trout

24" Brown inhaled my 1/8 oz. Brown Trout Hologrphic right before a rain storm during the WI opener!

Briar Mccorkle
Briar Mccorkle's Brown Trout

Caught this 19" German Brown in a very small creek in the Sierras of Ca with my daughter on my back.

Briar Mccorkle
Briar Mccorkle's Brown Trout

16.5" long extremely well fed brown trout caught in the Sierra's in California on the 2nd weekend of the season being open. Snowed the night before so temps were cold and the fish were lathargic, but it couldn't resist the Panther Martin spinner!

Caught on a PMMR 1/4 oz. Gold
Alex  Tataoian
Alex Tataoian's Walleye

Went out on opening day of walleye decided to give this lure a try and in no time this walleye slammed my panther martin.

Christopher DiGiovanna
Christopher DiGiovanna's Catfish

I catch a TON of channel catfish on my local rivers on this spinner. It's one of my favorite lures and I recommend them to everyone I take fishing. This was the biggest of the 4 I caught on it tonight. It put up a great fight on ultralight tackle!

Alex  Tataoian
Alex Tataoian's Brook Trout

Decided to try the black & gold size 4 willow striker. and I couldn't have been happier, I caught my trout limit in under a hour. I couldn't keep the trout off my line. I did a lot of releasing during that hour.

Caught on a PMWSR 1/8 oz. Gold
Richard Patrick
Richard Patrick's Rainbow Trout

28",18.5" girth, chased and hooked on 3rd cast, ~15 min fight to play out, 6# line, no net and fishing alone. Caught in Lizard Creek, Carbon County, Pa., public water. I use only PM spinners and they really work well when fished with the stream current.

Caught on a PMD 1/4 oz. Gold
Craig Baller
Craig Baller's Trout

I caught this on a very windy, muddy water day in Charleston, SC. I couldn't fly fish so I threw this on and nailed this nice 19" speckled trout on the first cast.

Ciaran Shannon
Ciaran Shannon's Rainbow Trout

Went down to the honey hole to blow off some steam for an hour or so, caught a ton of little guys. eventually i got packed up and decided to take one last cast. Very thankful I did haha.

Dan Collins
Dan Collins's Rainbow Trout

Smoked the lure and bent ultra lite rod over. Heart was racing. A unforgettable day
